The Rangitāiki River Forum

The Rangitāiki River Forum was established in 2012 via legislation following the treaty settlements of Ngāti Whare and Ngāti Manawa. Its purpose is to protect and enhance the environmental, cultural, and spiritual health and wellbeing of the Rangitāiki River and its tributaries.

The Forum is a co-governance partnership made up of representatives from Ngāti Whare, Ngāti Manawa, Ngāti Awa, Tūwharetoa (Bay of Plenty), Hineuru, Ngai Tūhoe, Tūwharetoa (Taupō), as well as councillors from Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana, Whakatāne District Council and Taupō District Council.

In 2015, the Forum approved a final version of Te Ara Whānui o Rangitāiki - Pathways of the Rangitāiki. The document has been amended to include the affiliations of Hineuru that joined the Forum following their treaty settlement, and is due to be reviewed in 2025. It is implemented though the Councils’ Regional Policy Statements and through various other plans and reports, such as district plans and Department of Conservation conservation plans.

Over time, this forum has continued to mature and evolve. It is an example of how collaboration between different groups and organisations can achieve meaningful mahi that mutually benefits everyone. As the administering body, the Bay of Plenty Regional Council feels privileged to work closely with the members of this forum.